uHAPs target areas in tumours that conventional chemotherapy and radiotherapy cannot treat
OncoTherics' focus concerns the biology of low oxygen areas found in most tumours and the role these "hypoxic micro-environments" play in the resistance and spread of a variety of cancers.
Our solution is to target these areas with a new class of pro-drugs, that are able to penetrate these regions and deliver an effective treatment.
OncoTherics has developed two novel assets;
- OCT1004 - Phase II ready - Pancreatic Cancer
- OCT1002 - Preclinical phase - Prostate Cancer
The company is currently raising first round funding to progress an exciting clinical trial programme.
Oncotherics Poland S.A. is a beneficiary of the regional operational program of the Małopolskie Voivodeship for the years 2014-2020.
wartość projektu: 19 357 662,37 PLN
wkład funduszy Europejskich: 11 718 069,36 PLN